Live Camps




Each team can have a maximum of 10 players on their roster. There are NO subs allowed on any team UNLESS 3 or less rostered players are present and the sub is the 4th player. Players can only play on 2 teams (either on 2 teams rosters or on 1 team roster and sub for 1 team). In the event of a forfeit, the team that forfeited the game will have to pay both teams ref fees for the game plus $15 penalty per game (total $35 per game). After 2 forfeits, the team will be removed from the league and will be charged the forfeit rate ($35) for each game that was not completed. If the fees are not paid within 30 days, the collection process will begin and the teams captain will not be allowed to participate in the league again.

A.     Playing Field:

1) Length:                                                   50 Yards

2) End Zones:                                             7 Yards

3) Width:                                                    25 yards

4) First Down Mark:                                   Mid Field

5) No run zones:                                         Short Yardage plays including the five yards before the first down and end zone.




1)      Each game is played in two 20-minute halves.  A running clock format is used.

2)      The clock will stop on out-of-bounds, first downs, change of possession, extra points and incomplete passes in the final one minute of the second half providing the lead is 8 points or less.

3)      Each team receives two 30 second time outs per half.  (No carry over)

4)      There will be a one minute break at halftime and between games.




1)      Touchdowns = 6 points

2)      Safety = 2 points

3)      Extra Points = 5 yards out = 1 point; no run zone

12 yards out = 2 points; run zone


D.     DRIVES:


1)      There are no kickoffs or punts

2)      All drives begin on the five-yard line with the exception of interceptions.

3)      Drives consist of three plays to either make a first down or score a touchdown

4)      Interceptions may be run back and the drive will begin where the player’s flag is pulled.

5)      Extra points can be returned for the amount of points the other team is trying for.




1)      A drive can be extended should a team push the ball past mid field using up to three plays.  After a team passes mid field they must score within three plays for the other team gains possession.





1)      The ball must be snapped between the legs.

2)   Each time the ball is spotted a team has 30 seconds to snap the ball. A loss of down and 5 yards will be assessed for delay of game.

3)   False start – A loss of down and 5 yards will be assessed for a false start.




1)      Players may substitute during a dead ball but must be on or off the field before the next play starts.




1)      There is no limit to the number of handoffs made behind the line of scrimmage.

2)      Player does not have to be lined up on the line of scrimmage.

3)      One lateral or pitch is allowed behind the line of scrimmage.  If the pitch is forward, then recipient can’t pass and must run.  No laterals past line of scrimmage.

4)      The “No Run Zone” is designated to avoid short yardage power running.  It is located five yards before first down and five yards before the endzone.

5)      The player who takes the handoff can throw the ball as long as he does not pass the line of scrimmage.

6)      Once the ball has been handed off or pitched, any or all defensive players are allowed to rush even if they aren’t behind the 7-yard mark.

7)      No handoffs or laterals are allowed past the line of scrimmage.

8)      There is no jumping or diving when running with the ball to avoid a flag pull.  Players can jump step or jump back to avoid a flag pull.  If officials indicate illegal jump, the ball will be placed where they leave their feet.


I.        RECEIVING:


1)      All players are eligible to receive passes (including the QB if the ball has been handed off behind the line of scrimmage.

2)      Player must have at least one foot in bounds when making a catch.

3)      No bump and run coverage.  No chucking receivers at the line of scrimmage or down field.


J.       PASSING:


1)      Shovel passes are allowed even behind the line of scrimmage. 

2)      QB will have FIVE second pass clock if no defensive player rushes.  If a pass is not thrown within five seconds, the play is dead and treated as an incomplete pass. 

3)      Interceptions may be returned (including extra points)





1)      All players that rush the QB must be a minimum of 7 yards beyond the line of scrimmage when the ball is snapped.  However, once the ball has been handed off, all players are eligible to rush from anywhere in front of or beyond the 7-yard marker.

2)      Any number of players can rush the QB providing they are behind the seven-yard mark.

3)      Official will designate 7 yards from the Line of Scrimmage.

4)      If the rusher enters the 7-yard neutral zone before the snap, he must get back before the ball is snapped or else he is ineligible to rush on that play.

5)      Rusher must go for the quarterback’s flags.  Rusher may attempt to block the pass but it is a penalty to make contact with the QB’s body or arm even if the ball is deflected. 

6)      If no one rushes, the quarterback will have 5 seconds to release the ball.  With a defensive rush – 5-second rule is waived.

7)      It will be the offensive player’s responsibility to give the rusher a clear line to the QB.  The official will determine incidental contact.  (Rusher can not run directly at the center, he must give receiver clearance to run pattern)




1)      Play is ruled over when/where the ball is spotted

a.       When the ball hits the ground.

-         Includes bad snap

-         No fumble recoveries allowed

2)      When the ball carrier loses his flag (pulled off or falls off) ** Note: If ball carriers flag falls out by itself and was not touched by opposing team, the defense must touch the ball carrier and play is dead where ball carrier is touched. If the flag is pulled by an opponent prior to the reception, he may advance the ball and the defense must pull his other flag.  If both flags have been pulled prior to the catch (Illegal Flag Pull) by the defense, penalty is five yards from point of reception, plus automatic first down.

3)      When the ball carrier’s knee hits the ground the play is ruled dead.  Players can put their hand down to keep balance, but not to avoid a flag pull.

4)      When the ball carrier steps out of bounds the ball is ruled dead.

5)      Ball is spotted where the flag is pulled.


M.   ADDRESSING OFFICIALS: (Questioning Calls)


1)      Only the designated captain is allowed to address the officials.  All interactions with captains and officials will be made in a sportsmanlike manner.  (First warning – Team captain will be notified of team player violation, second warning will result in 3 minute suspension for offending player, third warning will result in a game forfeit for the whole team.)





1)      Flip for first possession.

2)      Overtime period will last five minutes or the first team to score.

3)      Running clock format will be used for the entire five-minute period.

4)      Each team will receive one time out in overtime.

5)      If no one scores in the five minutes game will result in a tie.




1)      All offensive penalties = loss of down and five yards EXCEPT:

a.  Excessive contact/Rough Play – 10 yards + loss of down (Referee decides the severity of excessive contact – warning/3 minute suspension/ejection from game)

2)      All defensive penalties = first down and five yards EXCEPT:

a.       Pass interference is a spot foul + automatic first down

b.      Defensive holding on a player with the ball is 5 yards from hold + automatic first down.

c.       Excessive contact/Rough Play – 10 yards + 1st down (Referee decides the

      severity of excessive contact – warning/3 minute suspension/ejection from



Offensive Penalties: Illegal Motion, Illegal Forward Pass (Play is not dead), Flag Guarding, Stiff Arming, Illegal Contact, Offsides, Interference, Delay of Game (One warning assessed – 30 seconds).


Defensive Penalties: Offsides, Illegal Rush, Illegal Contact, Interference, Illegal Flag Pull.


*Note: If offensive penalties resulting in loss of down and yard occur after crossing 1st down marker, will result in down and goal with no opportunity to regain 1st down.


3)      Unsportsmanlike Conduct (Offense/Defense)


a.       Arguing with Officials: (One Warning will be given to captain)

* Note: Only captain may address officials (In sportsmanlike manner)

Second Offense – any team member – 10 yards, down penalty and three-minute suspension. 

Third Offense – Team will forfeit the game.


b.      Fighting:  Throw a punch, hit the road.  There is no room in this league for fighting.

Throwing a punch will result in an automatic ejection from the league with no refund of payment. 


 P.  Playoffs:

Playoffs will be played with a time limit of 30 minutes per game or first team to score 28 points. Teams that score 28 points must win by 9 points for the game to end, unless the time expires. There are NO subs allowed in playoffs. 


Other Notes: Game can not end on a defensive penalty even if time expires.  One additional play will be required to finish the game.

The Referees will call the game as they see it.  If you have a question about a rule, the captain should approach the official with any questions.  

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